Christian Assembly
Our History
In 1993, Full Life Christian Assembly was born through a couple's vision to reach out to the Filipino-American community of Oxnard, CA. The late Rev. Rolando "Rolly" J. Dinglas and his wife, Rev. Purisima Dinglas, pioneered the church, along with their five children. They came to Oxnard from a 27-year long pastoral ministries in Bataan, Philippines.
The first services were held in people's homes (including the pastor's), Casa Sirena Hotel, and a former warehouse in Pacific Avenue. After years of moving around, FLCA finally found a more permanent address by renting at Oxnard Bible Church on Wolff Street. After 10 years in 2009, the Lord opened a door for FLCA to rent its own facility. The church now holds its services on 138 Hill Street, Oxnard, CA.
In April 2012, Rev. Purisima Dinglas retired from being lead pastor after 19 years of service. She served twelve of those years as senior pastor after Pastor Rolly died of leukemia in 2000. She passed the leadership to former associate pastor, Robert Paul B. Vicente. FLCA has experienced God's faithful guidance and provision through every season. Our story continues as the Lord enables His church to keep moving forward. It is by His grace that FLCA began its roots and it will be by His grace that it will continue to grow.
Today, it is attended by multi-ethnic groups, with the majority of Filipinos, from a wide range of ages, interest, professions, struggles, and stories. FLCA has a ministry for each of these groups. For more information regarding the various ministries, please visit the Ministries page of our website.
Full Life Christian Assembly (FLCA) is affiliated with the Assemblies of God. We invite you to explore our website and please free to contact us if you have any questions, or if you simply need prayer.
What We Believe
Fundamental Truths
Our Vision
Loving God, Growing Together, Fearlessly Reaching All
Core Values
Family Oriented, Selfless Giving,
Christ Centered, Prayer Dependent, Spirit Empowered, Purposeful Service,
Deeply Rooted, Mission Driven
Our Mission
FULL LIFE is committed and dedicated to give God the glory through faithful fellowship and true worship (John 4:23-24), determined to use the Word for equipping and discipleship of believers (Matthew 28:19-20), committed to be part of mission and evangelism by means of giving, praying, and going (Mark 16:15-17), and building up the body of Christ by edifying one another until we reach the Fullness of the Life of Christ (Ephesians 4:12)."
Pastor Paul has been the lead pastor at FLCA in Oxnard since April 2012. He is married to Stephanie, and has two lovely kids - Audrey and Joseph.

Robert Paul B. Vicente
Lead Pastor